• Works on Commercial and Recreational Trailers.
Moving Jacks is our Game!
R&M is our Name,
More inventions, we Claim,
Will succeed, and bring Fame!
Full Rear Access, our Aim,
Pristine tailgates, the Same.
So if rear door is Maimed,
R&M bears no Blame!
R&M Products work on
ALL Type Trailers
▶︎ Utility ▶︎ RV
▶︎ Box ▶︎ Horse
▶︎ Cargo ▶︎ Boat
▶︎ ATV ▶︎ Dirt Bike
▶︎ Car ▶︎ Flat Bed
R&M Products
Invented &
Made in the USA!
6 Jack Relocation Devices
FULL Tailgate Opening
FULL Rear Access & Disable
▶︎ Relocate Jack Back any Distance
▶︎Unique Trailer Stabilizing System
▶︎ Add Batteries, Add Propane Tanks
▶︎ Mount Storage Box, Tools, Equipment
Your Problem?
Features & Benefits
▶︎ Ez Install Pre-assembled, bolt-on,
NO drilling or welding.
▶︎ Strong All steel 3/16" to 3/8"
▶︎ Durable All steel parts, nuts, bolts
Galvanized or SS or Brass.
▶︎ Tough Lives outside, unprotected,
all-year, ALL climates.
▶︎ Movable To each new trailer, any
size, any frame height.
▶︎ American Invented & Made in USA!
1 of 6 R&M Solutions!
The careers, expertise and natural talents of R&M's creators are concentrated in:
Manufacturing, Marketing,
Construction & Software
Combined, we've seen
Countless days of sizzling SuperSlab.
Memorable decades of week ends
exploring promising RV destinations,
Unforgettable years
RVing the lower 48 full time!
We lived the ancient adage:
"See the USA in Your Chevrolet"
Over-the-road frustrations exposed deficiencies in current trailer technologies
and sparked insights for solutions.
Thus, R&M was born!
Initial innovative concepts, CAD drawings, custom software and this web site were
created entirely by R&M Principals!
We own all equity and our shop in Spanaway WA.
We make or domestically sub-contract ALL parts and assemble them into products
"Made in the USA"!
One of us is a Marine Veteran. We proudly support him and all courageous Americans
who sacrifice so much to
Protect Us from the Wrath!
Lest We Forget,
"Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”
- Winston Churchill -
Not new, still True!
We created R&M in 2015 specifically to develop original products that use the empty space atop your trailer tongue to make hitching and operating a trailer faster and easier. The Jack Back OnTop and Jack Back Side-to-Side were the first, founding ideas, and their development germinated insights that led to another product idea. And then another. One by one, we designed, manually prototyped, virtualized, laser cut in steel and tested to perfection!
Many more unique, practical products are in development, several near completion.
We were greatly encouraged when an
Official US Patent
for R&M's
Our shop's defining image is our
"Wall of Refinements"
The generations of prototypes
we built before
we finally got it Just Right!
We own our shop, so we added
personal touches - an on-site
Greenhouse and Brood of Chickens!
Our most complex device yet, and the one we believe will be most valued by our customers, is our in-development Power Wheel! It uses a standard trailer jack to power a wheel to move your trailer! It rotates up out of the way when not in use, and doesn't affect the normal operation of the trailer jack in any way. We have defined the mechanical concepts, are beginning to focus on the CAD drawings and looking forward to prototyping!

Two Indispensable Products
R&M Does NOT Sell
Deliver unique benefits to many trailer owners & merit your serious
▶︎ Sherline™ Trlr Tongue Scale
▶︎ Fastway Flip™ Jack Foo
▶︎ Impartial R&M Overviews
▶︎ Both Made in the USA!

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